100% Natural and Recycled materials


Eco Rivta tells you why sustainable fashion matters?

There are many fashion brands out there that care sustainability, they’re transparent about their manufacturing processes and sourcing practices. To find the best sustainable brands, it is important to do your research and look for those that align with your values.

As a eco-packaging manufacturer, let’s share why sustainable fashion matters in 6 most important reasons.

1- Sustainable fashion saves natural resources

The fashion industry is one of the biggest users of natural resources, with clothing made from materials like cotton, leather, and wool requiring large amounts of water and land to produce. Sustainable fashion brands are working to reduce this impact by using more sustainable materials, such as bamboo, organic cotton, and wool, as well as other natural or recycled fabrics. These materials use far less water and land to produce, and often have a lower carbon footprint as well.

2- Sustainable fashion reduces carbon footprint

The fashion industry is responsible for a huge amount of carbon emissions, due to the use of synthetic materials, the large amounts of water required for production, and the energy needed to run factories. Sustainable fashion brands are working to reduce their carbon footprint by using more sustainable fabrics, manufacturing locally, and investing in renewable energy.

3- Sustainable fashion protects biodiversity

The fashion industry has a huge impact on biodiversity, due to the use of materials like leather and fur, as well as the destruction of natural habitats for the sake of agriculture. Sustainable fashion brands are working to protect biodiversity by using more sustainable materials, such as bamboo and organic cotton, which do not require the destruction of natural habitats. They are also working with organizations to restore damaged ecosystems.

4- Sustainable fashion reduces water pollution

The fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters of fresh water, due to the large amounts of water required for production, as well as the discharge of chemicals and dyes into waterways. Sustainable fashion brands are working to reduce water pollution by using more sustainable materials, manufacturing locally, and investing in wastewater treatment.

5- Sustainable fashion reduces waste

The fashion industry creates a lot of waste, due to the use of synthetic materials, the large amounts of water required for production, and the energy needed to run factories. Sustainable fashion brands are working to reduce their impact by using more sustainable materials, manufacturing locally, and investing in renewable energy.

6- Sustainable fashion is healthier for you

The chemicals used in the production of synthetic materials can be harmful to your health. Sustainable fashion brands are working to address this issue by using more sustainable materials, manufacturing locally, and investing in wastewater treatment.


Post time: Sep-13-2022