What is banana fiber & how is banana fiber made?
Just as you’d expect, banana fabric is fabric made from bananas. Not the mushy, fruity part, though—the outer and inner peels, which are both quite fibrous.
Just like hemp, which produces a flowering and a stem section, banana stems and peels yield fibers that can be made into textile products. This practice has actually been done for many centuries, but it’s only recently that the world of Western fashion has caught on to the textile potential of the common banana.
Separation: First, the fibers in banana peels and stems must be separated from the non-usable components. Bunching and drying:Once the separated fibers are acquired, they are bunched together and dried. Dividing into groups:Once dry, the fibers are separated into groups based on quality.
Spinning and weaving: The separated fibers are then spun into yarn. The yarn is treated and dyed, and it is woven into garments, accessories, decor items, or industrial products.

Why is Banana Fiber a sustainable material?
Banana fiber production has a negligible impact on the environment. Even among the natural fibers, banana fabric is in a special category in terms of sustainability. That’s because this fabric is derived from what would otherwise be a waste product; banana peels are discarded anyway when banana fruit is used, so why not turn them into clothing?
With that said, there’s no guarantee that banana production is always done sustainably and with the environment in mind. While it has come a long way under Modi’s leadership, India is still a far cry from a first-world country, which means that synthetic pesticide use is rampant in this poverty-stricken nation. When you’re struggling just to survive, you’ll do anything to make money, and the consequences of unsustainable agricultural practices seem very far away.
If done properly, banana fabric production can be in perfect harmony with the environment. We encourage banana producers around the world to look into offering their peels to textile manufacturers, and we’re sure the global trend toward sustainability will gradually uplift banana fiber to its rightful place in the natural fabric pantheon.

Why we choose Banana Fiber Material?
Banana fiber has its own physical and chemical characteristics and many other properties that make it a fine quality fiber.
Appearance of banana fiber is similar to that of bamboo fiber and ramie fiber, but its fineness and spinnability is better than the two. The chemical composition of banana fiber is cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.
It is highly strong fiber.
It has smaller elongation.
It has somewhat shiny appearance depending upon the extraction & spinning process.
It is light weight. It has strong moisture absorption quality.
It absorbs as well as releases moisture very fast.
It is bio- degradable and has no negative effect on environment and thus can be categorized as eco-friendly fiber.
Its average fineness is 2400Nm.
It can be spun through almost all the methods of spinning including ring spinning, open-end spinning, bast fiber spinning, and semi-worsted spinning among others.